Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

3 Electrical Issues Your AC May Encounter

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Few things can ruin your day like your air conditioner going out. If the problem it encounters is electrical, there’s no telling how much damage has been done or if it’s contained to one component. Either way, it’s important to know what’s going on with your AC whether it’s an electrical problem or not.

If an air conditioner plug burned up, that could be what’s preventing it from working. Of course, it could be a slew of other issues. Let’s cover the three most common electrical issues with your AC so you can be as prepared as possible when your technician inspects your unit.

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Biggest Telltale Sign That AC Repair is Right Around the Corner

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Your air conditioner is the hero of your home. It sucks out humidity, cools the air, traps dust in the air intake filter, and makes life bearable.

You don’t want it to break down on you, but how do you know when you need air conditioner repair in Kentucky? If you wait until it kicks the bucket, you’ll be left without air conditioning for quite a while.

It’s time to start listening to your AC now before it’s too late. This is what you need to look (and listen) for.

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5 Signs It Is Time to Schedule AC Repairs

Monday, August 15th, 2022

Now is not the time when you want to discover that you need to fix your air conditioner. However, the summer season is most often when your AC falls prey to a variety of problems.

The sooner you schedule AC repairs in Ashland, KY for a faulty system, the better off you’ll be. This can help you get an expert fix with less of a wait which means you are less likely to end up needing a replacement.

To help, we’ve provided a list of warning signs that will help you determine if and when it is time to reach out for system repairs.

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Ways to Stay Cooler While Waiting For AC Service

Monday, July 18th, 2022

When you need AC repair in Ashland you might hesitate over the idea of being without the use of this vital system for any amount of time during the summer. However, delaying can leave you with a completely broken down system that requires a replacement instead, which is more expensive and time-consuming!

If your system needs repairs it is best to reach out for expert service today! You can count on our team to get your air conditioner working right in a timely manner. But how can you stay cool while we work on your system?

Our team is here to help. Let’s explore some ways that you can stay a little cooler while our experts get your AC up and running again.

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Why Your AC Keeps Tripping Circuits

Monday, July 4th, 2022

Your air conditioner needs electricity to function. You can have an up-to-date system that offers top-of-the-line efficiency but without electricity feeding the system, you won’t receive any of the benefits that the system can offer because it can’t run.

The electrical panel of your home is going to control and feed your air conditioner. But when something goes wrong with your panel or your air conditioner, it can lead to tripped circuits which halt the flow of energy to your AC and shut it off.

Maybe you need an AC repair in Ashland to prevent those circuit trips. Or maybe the issue lies with your electrical system itself. Whatever the source of the problem, you can trust our team to resolve it.

Let’s discuss the possibilities of what might be happening to trip your home circuits so you know when it is time to talk to an expert technician.

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4 Signs It Is Time For a Thermostat Upgrade

Monday, June 6th, 2022

You can have the most well-maintained air conditioner in the world but if your thermostat isn’t up to par, your comfort is going to take a huge hit. This is why it is a good idea to keep tabs on the condition–and age–of your thermostat.

The thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system. Just like how you want to update the memory for your computer to upgrade it, you want to upgrade your thermostat to help improve your home comfort.

Not sure if you need to take the leap to upgrade your thermostat in Ashland? Here are some signs the time has come.

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How to Get Optimal Efficiency From Your AC

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

Running your air conditioner to keep yourself cool shouldn’t be a task that ruins your budget for the entire month. An air conditioner needs to operate effectively. However, if that system is inefficient, you may not want to run it at all which defeats the whole purpose!

We believe in helping our clients get the most from their air conditioners. Here are some tips to allow you to do just that.

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These 7 Sounds Are Indicators of AC Trouble

Monday, May 9th, 2022

If you hear a weird sound coming from your car or your computer, would you just ignore it and try to move onward? We’d hope that you’d say no since this is far more likely to leave you with a broken-down machine!

Noticing an odd noise from your air conditioning in Ashland is something you don’t want to ignore either. Those sounds are almost always going to indicate that your AC is in trouble. And as things heat up, you really don’t want to be left with a cooling system that is on the verge of a breakdown.

So, what noises could your AC make when it needs repairs? We’ve listed some of the most common ones to be on the alert for here.

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Does Your AC Have A Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, April 25th, 2022

Do you know what refrigerant is? If you aren’t familiar with this substance, we want to give you some details on what it is used for in your central AC or heat pump.

Refrigerant is the substance that allows your air conditioner to produce cool air. Without it, your AC is really just a big fan system. And while whole homes fans are helpful, they won’t offer the comfort that a properly working AC does.

You want your AC to work the way it is supposed to–by creating cool air. To do that it needs refrigerant. And if you have a refrigerant leak, it is going to be a problem that needs to be addressed quickly before it costs you.

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Is It Too Early For AC Maintenance?

Monday, March 14th, 2022

We know that the heat is taking its time to get here but that doesn’t mean you can’t think ahead. Getting maintenance for your air conditioner is one of the best things you can do. But is it really worthwhile to get this service done really?

We maintain that early maintenance is always a great idea. That isn’t to say that you can’t get maintenance later one–late tune-ups are always better than none. But early AC maintenance in Ashland is a great idea simply because of how much it benefits you. Let us explain the how and the why behind this.

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