Why You Should Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance ASAP

May 10th, 2021

Are you excited by the idea of your air conditioner struggling to keep your home cool this summer? What about spending extra cash to keep your AC running even if it barely makes a dent in the indoor temperature?

Doesn’t sound good, right? The truth is that homeowners around our area may very well be dealing with the issues we’ve described above come summer. What’s worse: these are avoidable problems!

How can you avoid them? By scheduling your annual air conditioning maintenance appointment of course. Discover more about how and why maintenance is so important for your comfort this summer below.

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Do You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

April 26th, 2021

An electric panel is designed to accept power from your utility provider and distribute it around your home. Problems with electrical panels occur when the electrical panel when homeowners fail to conduct routine inspections. 

Any fault in the electrical panel is potentially dangerous and will disrupt electricity in your home. If you spot the following 5 red flags, it’s time to call an electrician in Flatwoods, KY. 

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Why a Refrigerant Leak Is a Problem for Your Heater

April 12th, 2021

We’re moving into spring now, but the winter weather is still here. Are you having trouble with your heater? You may notice that you have poor air quality, trouble getting your home warm enough, or that it is taking longer than usual for your heater to warm your home.

All these problems point to a common issue. Your heater might have a refrigerant leak. While it’s a common problem that occurs due to many reasons, it’s also one that can pose a threat.

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Does Your Furnace Have a Cracked Heat Exchanger?

March 15th, 2021

There are a lot of intricate and important parts that make your furnace, well, furnace. We don’t want to downplay any part of this system; they all have a vital or near-vital role in heating up your home. With that said, there is one part of your furnace that does deserve a little extra attention: your heat exchanger.

When there is a problem with your heat exchanger, it can ruin your home comfort and can create other issues for your health and safety. That is why a cracked heat exchanger is well worth a call to a professional for furnace repair in Ashland, KY.

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What Are the Signs You Need a Heating System Repair?

March 1st, 2021

Having a heater that needs to be repaired is not something to ignore. The longer that the repairs are put off the higher the chance that the situation will get worse. In some cases, a repair that isn’t taken care of in a timely manner can lead to an early replacement and that is not something anyone wants to deal with earlier than needed.

When it comes down to it you want to be able to figure out when you need heating repair as soon as possible. A professional technician has the ability to help you diagnose what the issue is and solve it but you need to know when to call them first. Watch out for these warning signs of a heating system repair in Ashland so you can contact our team for help ASAP.

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What You Should Know About UV Air Purifiers

February 15th, 2021

There are days when it feels really nice to take a breath of fresh air. You fill your lungs and you feel your whole body relax–it’s pretty nice. This may be a little tougher if the air in your home is too dirty for your liking. It can happen to just about anyone–poor indoor air quality is not a selective issue. But it is one that we can help you address.

One of the best ways to tackle poor indoor air quality is through the use of professionally installed indoor air quality systems such as an air purifier in Wheelersburg, OH. This is a system that will tackle some of the biggest contaminants in your house that you want there the least. Learn more below about these systems in contact us for an installation.

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The Difference a Whole-House Generator Makes

February 1st, 2021

No one enjoys being caught off-guard when the power goes out. Even in modern times though it is possible. We rely on our homes to keep us safe, even when the weather is bad so when things suddenly give out it is a harsh reminder that Mother Nature can sometimes take things into her own hands.

You don’t have to be caught off guard though. Mother Nature might take out the power for the neighborhood and shut off the lights, but modern technology has a comeback for her: generators. Installing a whole-house generator is going to help your home be prepared no matter what nature throws your way.

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Don’t Forget to Check Your Detectors

January 18th, 2021

Whether you have a family to protect or you are living on your own, there are plenty of safety measures that every home should include. From fire extinguishers to automatic shut-off valves on your water line, these items are meant to protect your home and its inhabitants from all sorts of danger. Your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are another vital safety measure that you need to have ready in your home.

If you’ve noticed that one or more of the detectors in your home is acting up, it may be worth it to reach out to an electrician in Barboursville, WV. Not sure why? We can help answer any questions you have about checking on and servicing your smoke or CO detector so you can stay safe.

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Should You Invest In an IAQ System?

January 4th, 2021

Did you know that there is another factor to your home comfort that is just as important as the temperature? It’s true: its your indoor air quality. The air quality inside your home is going to play a huge role in keeping your comfortable and, in some cases, can even impact your health.

So we have a question for you: What is your indoor air quality like? If you aren’t even sure where to begin answering that question, it’s okay. We’ve here to help. We can provide some info on what impacts your indoor air quality and the systems that we can provide to help give things a boost.

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Answering 3 of Your Air Purifier FAQs

December 21st, 2020

The quality of the air around us has been on everyone’s minds lately and for good reason. Airborne viruses and bacteria make us a lot more nervous than they used to. It is good to know that there are indoor air quality systems around that can help keep a lot of those unwanted contaminants out of your home. One of these systems is an air purifier in Ashland, KY.

If you weren’t familiar with air purification systems before now, we’d love to give you some extra info on them. After all, they can be a great addition to your home for more than one reason.

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