Improve Your Home’s Air With an Air Purifier

June 20th, 2022

Sometimes, keeping things clean takes a little extra expertise. There are clothing items that you have to take to a professional dry cleaner to clean. There are stains that get into a carpet that require a carpet cleaner. And, of course, when it comes to cleaning your air, there is nothing better than a good air purification system in Flatwoods, KY.

Keeping the air clean in your home can be tricky. For one thing, it isn’t always obvious that you need to clean your home’s air supply–it certainly isn’t as obvious as a stain! What’s more, you may not be familiar with exactly how an air purifier is going to help “clear the air.” We are here to provide the answers you need so you can enjoy clean air in your home this summer and beyond.

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4 Signs It Is Time For a Thermostat Upgrade

June 6th, 2022

You can have the most well-maintained air conditioner in the world but if your thermostat isn’t up to par, your comfort is going to take a huge hit. This is why it is a good idea to keep tabs on the condition–and age–of your thermostat.

The thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system. Just like how you want to update the memory for your computer to upgrade it, you want to upgrade your thermostat to help improve your home comfort.

Not sure if you need to take the leap to upgrade your thermostat in Ashland? Here are some signs the time has come.

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How to Get Optimal Efficiency From Your AC

May 23rd, 2022

Running your air conditioner to keep yourself cool shouldn’t be a task that ruins your budget for the entire month. An air conditioner needs to operate effectively. However, if that system is inefficient, you may not want to run it at all which defeats the whole purpose!

We believe in helping our clients get the most from their air conditioners. Here are some tips to allow you to do just that.

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These 7 Sounds Are Indicators of AC Trouble

May 9th, 2022

If you hear a weird sound coming from your car or your computer, would you just ignore it and try to move onward? We’d hope that you’d say no since this is far more likely to leave you with a broken-down machine!

Noticing an odd noise from your air conditioning in Ashland is something you don’t want to ignore either. Those sounds are almost always going to indicate that your AC is in trouble. And as things heat up, you really don’t want to be left with a cooling system that is on the verge of a breakdown.

So, what noises could your AC make when it needs repairs? We’ve listed some of the most common ones to be on the alert for here.

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Does Your AC Have A Refrigerant Leak?

April 25th, 2022

Do you know what refrigerant is? If you aren’t familiar with this substance, we want to give you some details on what it is used for in your central AC or heat pump.

Refrigerant is the substance that allows your air conditioner to produce cool air. Without it, your AC is really just a big fan system. And while whole homes fans are helpful, they won’t offer the comfort that a properly working AC does.

You want your AC to work the way it is supposed to–by creating cool air. To do that it needs refrigerant. And if you have a refrigerant leak, it is going to be a problem that needs to be addressed quickly before it costs you.

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5 Signs Your Electrical Panel Is Out Of Date

April 11th, 2022

What is the thing that manages all of the electricity that flows through your home? The thing we are talking about is your electrical panel. This panel regulates and monitors your electrical flow, keeping things running and keeping you safe too.

So what happens when your electrical panel is out of date? An out-of-date panel is going to create some trouble for your home until you are able to get it upgraded.

Be on the lookout for these warning signs so that you know when to have your electrical panel in Ashland upgraded.

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Would You Benefit From an Air Filtration System?

March 28th, 2022

No one enjoys walking through a dust cloud. Dusty and dirty air can aggravate respiratory distress and create other troubles too. With that said, you probably don’t feel like you have a full dust cloud in the house. But are things dustier than you’d like?

If you have noticed that the air in your home is dirtier than you’d like, it is worthwhile to investigate ways to improve your indoor air quality. How can you do that though? With the help of our experts, you can get an indoor air quality system into your home that can really help clean things up such as an air filter.

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Is It Too Early For AC Maintenance?

March 14th, 2022

We know that the heat is taking its time to get here but that doesn’t mean you can’t think ahead. Getting maintenance for your air conditioner is one of the best things you can do. But is it really worthwhile to get this service done really?

We maintain that early maintenance is always a great idea. That isn’t to say that you can’t get maintenance later one–late tune-ups are always better than none. But early AC maintenance in Ashland is a great idea simply because of how much it benefits you. Let us explain the how and the why behind this.

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The Benefits of Investing in a Geothermal Heat Pump

February 28th, 2022

You deserve to enjoy reliable home comfort whether it is cold or hot outside. The problem that you’ve found yourself facing is that your old HVAC systems haven’t been the most environmentally friendly. How do you find the sweet spot between staying comfortable without harming the planet?

You may discover the answer with a geothermal heat pump in Ashland, KY. These systems can provide whole-home comfort at a reasonable cost while working with the planet. How? Because this system literally uses the planet itself to help regulate indoor temperatures!

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5 Reasons You’ll Love a Heater Upgrade

February 14th, 2022

It is time for you to call it quits on your old, faulty heater? If you’d describe your heater as “faulty” then we’d say absolutely yes, you need to upgrade your system. There are other warning signs of course but that one tends to be a pretty straightforward red flag!

But all the red flags in the world may not be enough to overcome someone’s hesitation to upgrade their system. After all, this is a big investment and you want to make sure that you aren’t making a big purchase unnecessarily. We understand that completely! This is why we want you to know why upgrades are worth every penny.

Let’s say you already see the signs that your system is wearing out. Is there a reason to upgrade your heater before it fully breaks down? Yes!

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