Is It Too Early For AC Maintenance?

March 14th, 2022

We know that the heat is taking its time to get here but that doesn’t mean you can’t think ahead. Getting maintenance for your air conditioner is one of the best things you can do. But is it really worthwhile to get this service done really?

We maintain that early maintenance is always a great idea. That isn’t to say that you can’t get maintenance later one–late tune-ups are always better than none. But early AC maintenance in Ashland is a great idea simply because of how much it benefits you. Let us explain the how and the why behind this.

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The Benefits of Investing in a Geothermal Heat Pump

February 28th, 2022

You deserve to enjoy reliable home comfort whether it is cold or hot outside. The problem that you’ve found yourself facing is that your old HVAC systems haven’t been the most environmentally friendly. How do you find the sweet spot between staying comfortable without harming the planet?

You may discover the answer with a geothermal heat pump in Ashland, KY. These systems can provide whole-home comfort at a reasonable cost while working with the planet. How? Because this system literally uses the planet itself to help regulate indoor temperatures!

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5 Reasons You’ll Love a Heater Upgrade

February 14th, 2022

It is time for you to call it quits on your old, faulty heater? If you’d describe your heater as “faulty” then we’d say absolutely yes, you need to upgrade your system. There are other warning signs of course but that one tends to be a pretty straightforward red flag!

But all the red flags in the world may not be enough to overcome someone’s hesitation to upgrade their system. After all, this is a big investment and you want to make sure that you aren’t making a big purchase unnecessarily. We understand that completely! This is why we want you to know why upgrades are worth every penny.

Let’s say you already see the signs that your system is wearing out. Is there a reason to upgrade your heater before it fully breaks down? Yes!

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Is It Time For A Heater Replacement?

January 17th, 2022

We still have a good long while until spring arrives and the weather starts to warm. Until that happens, the goal for most people in our area is going to be staying warm and comfortable indoors as much as possible. But what if your heater has other plans?

A heater that has been used heavily for multiple years may be on the verge of giving out this season. This isn’t good news, we know. What is good news is that you can rely on our team to tackle your heater replacement in Hurricane, WV quickly and correctly.

Let’s start with the warning signs you should know that will tell you when it is time to replace your system.

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Address These Strange Sounds and Start the Year Off Peacefully

January 3rd, 2022

Enjoying time indoors in a nice warm home on a cold day can be a great feeling (especially when you do it with a cozy blanket and a good book or movie). However, that enjoyment can be hindered if your heater is making too much noise. Running your heating system is never going to be a completely silent activity. There is more than one noise that your system can make though that should alert you to a problem.

If you hear a problematic noise from your system, it is likely that you need to schedule a heating repair in Huntington, KY. Not sure what noises to be wary about? Read on to find out and contact us to curb them.

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7 Indicators Your Furnace Needs Repairs

December 20th, 2021

How is your furnace doing? Is it running effectively right now or are you having some problems with this system? If you have been fighting to stay warm, then it may mean that you need to schedule a furnace repair in Ashland KY. But how can you be sure this is the case?

Well, we are quite confident that the reason your furnace isn’t working right isn’t bad luck. You are either going to need repairs or you may need to just replace your system outright. For now, let’s focus on what the signs are that you need to get repairs for your furnace before you need to get a new system altogether.

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5 Reasons to Schedule Heating Maintenance Today

December 6th, 2021

We are on the cusp of the winter season so it may sound strange to be talking about eating maintenance. This is a service that is usually related to the fall season before temperatures really start to drop. So why are we bringing up heating maintenance now? It’s because it still matters and I can still help.

Heating maintenance is one of those services that is going to benefit you and your system no matter what. as long as your system is still operational you can still have it be maintained. so the question is have you scheduled your main is appointment yet? If not is most certainly not too late. Let’s look at five reasons why you should schedule heating system maintenance today.

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Why Consider a Surge Protector?

November 22nd, 2021

Having a power outage is a big enough problem on its own. You have to worry about getting power flow restored to your home and make do until then. We don’t mean to add to your plate but, when the lights do come back on, you may still have trouble to deal with. Why? Because the interruption in your electricity may lead to a power surge.

If you are looking for help protecting your home in case of electrical issues, it may be time to talk to an electrician about installing a surge protector. This relatively easy addition to your electrical system can make a huge difference if and when your home encounters problems with your power.

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5 Factors To Consider When Choosing an AC

November 8th, 2021

Summertime can put your home’s air conditioner through the wringer. Now that the fall season is here, temperatures are finally starting to settle down a bit and make things easier on this system. With that said, there is a high chance that this was your current system’s last summer.

If you are in the market for a new air conditioning system, we urge you to take a moment to consider which one you’ll have in your home next. It is easy to just choose the same type of system that you had before. But what if this isn’t the best choice for your home comfort?

There are some factors to consider when choosing your next air conditioner. Here’s what you need to know.

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What Should Your Next AC System Be?

October 25th, 2021

You depend on your air conditioning system to keep your home comfortable throughout the year. However, if your air conditioner is on its last leg you won’t be able to enjoy much comfort at all. A new AC unit may be in order if your current one is getting way too old and way too inoperable.

If your AC needs an upgrade, it means you’ll need to figure out the next system for your air conditioning replacement in Flatwoods, KY. But which one is the right one for you? We have some information to help you choose which one is the best option to meet your comfort needs.

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