Don’t Fear Flickering Lights, Just Call Us

October 11th, 2021

Have you ever wondered what it would be like having to live by candlelight again? It might sound fun for a minute of course, but we find that candles are better for mood lighting and fun than for a daily light source. That’s why we are happy to provide the professional expertise needed to keep your electrical lights up and running.

When it comes to your home’s lighting, there is more to consider than just what type of lightbulbs you buy. And that will become shockingly apparent when the lights in your home decide they won’t cooperate with your needs. If you are battling with flickering or dimming lights it may mean you need some help from an electrician. Let’s discuss why.

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What To Know About Refrigerant

September 27th, 2021

There are a lot of misconceptions that we find people have regarding refrigerant. We wouldn’t be addressing this if it wasn’t important. Refrigerant plays a vital role in the operation of your central AC or heat pump. Misunderstanding what refrigerant does can actually lead you into trouble down the road and wind up saddling you with a big air conditioning repair in Ashland, KY.

Our team is here to help when you need to get your AC fixed. However, we are always on the side of saving time and money for our customers. This is why we want to give you a quick rundown on the importance of this chemical and what its real role is.

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Was This Your Air Conditioner’s Last Summer?

September 13th, 2021

We all hate goodbyes–well, that is unless it is saying goodbye to a problem. But what if saying goodbye to a problem means saying goodbye to a system you’ve relied on for years?

To be blunt, it may be time to let go of your air conditioner. Saying goodbye to this system and replacing it with a newer one can be a great way to ditch some annoying comfort issues in your home. If you aren’t sure whether or not your AC can make it through another summer, let us provide some indicators that will clarify things.

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Let Us Help You Light Up Your Outdoor Space!

August 16th, 2021

The summer season is prime time for enjoying plenty of activities outside. Whether you are hosting a family barbecue or simply trying to get as many hours in with the kids out of the house as possible many of us are going to hate to let the fun stop when the sun sets. The fact that things don’t cool down too much after the sunsets doesn’t exactly help.

We can help you snag some extra hours outside. While we can’t force the sun to stay up for longer, we can help light up the space around your home to allow you some extra time to enjoy in the yard.

Come to an electrician in Grayson, KY to discover your options for adding outdoor lights to your home so you can pack in as much fun as possible this summer.

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Is Your AC Short Cycling?

August 2nd, 2021

You know what your air conditioner is supposed to sound like. You turn on your thermostat, it kicks on and starts to cool air for a while. Once the indoor temperature gets cool enough, then your system shuts off.

What happens if your system isn’t running as usual though?

There are plenty of ways that your air conditioner can alert you to the fact that it needs repairs. One of these warning indicators is when it begins to short cycle. If you haven’t heard about this issue before, let us explain what short cycling is and why it requires prompt AC repair in Grayson, KY.

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How To Tell You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade

July 19th, 2021

Imagine trying to get by without a reliable way to get electricity into your home. It would make it hard to get light in the rooms you need it in, harder still to keep things cool and comfortable. And let’s not forget how unreliable electrical flow can impact your refrigerator!

Having a problem with the electricity in your home can be a serious and stressful situation. So many parts of the modern home need electricity to function so when your home’s electrical system can’t deliver, it is a problem. One possible solution to handle this issue will be an electrical panel upgrade which is something we can help with.

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4 Noises Your AC Should Not Make

July 6th, 2021

Around here, things are getting hotter. And that means you need to be able to rely on your air conditioning system to keep the house cool. However, this may be harder this summer if your system needs an AC repair in Russell, KY.

Even if you have gotten regular maintenance for your AC each spring (we commend you if you do) there will come a day when you need to get your system repaired. But how can you tell if this is the case? Listen to what your system is saying!

Your AC can’t talk of course. What we mean is to listen to what noises the system is making to figure out what might be wrong so you know when to schedule service.

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You Don’t Need Ducts To Stay Cool

June 21st, 2021

It is hard to stay cool on certain days in our part of the state. High heat and humidity can seem impossible to fight back against. You need a powerful and effective air conditioner to stand a chance of keeping your home comfortable when the worst of the summer heat hits. If you don’t have ductwork though this can seem impossible.

We are glad to say this isn’t the case. If you need a good AC unit, it may be a good time to consider a ductless air conditioner for your home. We can provide the air conditioning installation in Ashland, KY for this system. Let’s discover whether or not this is the best system option for your home.

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We Can Help You Create a Smart Home

June 7th, 2021

You’ve probably heard the term “smart home” before now but maybe you aren’t sure exactly what it refers to. No, your home can’t wake up one day and start learning to talk or anything like that. Having a smart home refers to having a home that is equipped with your ideal choices of automated appliances to optimize your day-to-day life.

It might sound like something from The Jetson’s but its real. You can have devices installed into your home’s electrical systems to enjoy a better, smarter home life with better temperature control, voice-activated adjustments, and more.

Ready to start creating your dream smart home? With an electrician in Ashland, KY to make sure the job gets done right.

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It Is Vital To Schedule Maintenance For Your Generator

May 24th, 2021

When the lights go out in your neighborhood, you’ll be incredibly happy to have a whole-house generator that is working properly. What you want to avoid is being the one to discover that the generator that you thought you could rely on isn’t as reliable you thought.

That said, there is a way to avoid that inconvenient discovery: schedule generator maintenance. Maybe you’ve heard of maintenance for your air conditioner but never realized that your generator needed it to. We want you to know that this is an incredibly important electrical service in Ironton, OH that can save you a lot of trouble and money later on.

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