Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Ashland’

5 Signs Your Electrical Panel Is Out Of Date

Monday, April 11th, 2022

What is the thing that manages all of the electricity that flows through your home? The thing we are talking about is your electrical panel. This panel regulates and monitors your electrical flow, keeping things running and keeping you safe too.

So what happens when your electrical panel is out of date? An out-of-date panel is going to create some trouble for your home until you are able to get it upgraded.

Be on the lookout for these warning signs so that you know when to have your electrical panel in Ashland upgraded.

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Would You Benefit From an Air Filtration System?

Monday, March 28th, 2022

No one enjoys walking through a dust cloud. Dusty and dirty air can aggravate respiratory distress and create other troubles too. With that said, you probably don’t feel like you have a full dust cloud in the house. But are things dustier than you’d like?

If you have noticed that the air in your home is dirtier than you’d like, it is worthwhile to investigate ways to improve your indoor air quality. How can you do that though? With the help of our experts, you can get an indoor air quality system into your home that can really help clean things up such as an air filter.

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Is It Too Early For AC Maintenance?

Monday, March 14th, 2022

We know that the heat is taking its time to get here but that doesn’t mean you can’t think ahead. Getting maintenance for your air conditioner is one of the best things you can do. But is it really worthwhile to get this service done really?

We maintain that early maintenance is always a great idea. That isn’t to say that you can’t get maintenance later one–late tune-ups are always better than none. But early AC maintenance in Ashland is a great idea simply because of how much it benefits you. Let us explain the how and the why behind this.

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The Benefits of Investing in a Geothermal Heat Pump

Monday, February 28th, 2022

You deserve to enjoy reliable home comfort whether it is cold or hot outside. The problem that you’ve found yourself facing is that your old HVAC systems haven’t been the most environmentally friendly. How do you find the sweet spot between staying comfortable without harming the planet?

You may discover the answer with a geothermal heat pump in Ashland, KY. These systems can provide whole-home comfort at a reasonable cost while working with the planet. How? Because this system literally uses the planet itself to help regulate indoor temperatures!

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7 Indicators Your Furnace Needs Repairs

Monday, December 20th, 2021

How is your furnace doing? Is it running effectively right now or are you having some problems with this system? If you have been fighting to stay warm, then it may mean that you need to schedule a furnace repair in Ashland KY. But how can you be sure this is the case?

Well, we are quite confident that the reason your furnace isn’t working right isn’t bad luck. You are either going to need repairs or you may need to just replace your system outright. For now, let’s focus on what the signs are that you need to get repairs for your furnace before you need to get a new system altogether.

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What To Know About Refrigerant

Monday, September 27th, 2021

There are a lot of misconceptions that we find people have regarding refrigerant. We wouldn’t be addressing this if it wasn’t important. Refrigerant plays a vital role in the operation of your central AC or heat pump. Misunderstanding what refrigerant does can actually lead you into trouble down the road and wind up saddling you with a big air conditioning repair in Ashland, KY.

Our team is here to help when you need to get your AC fixed. However, we are always on the side of saving time and money for our customers. This is why we want to give you a quick rundown on the importance of this chemical and what its real role is.

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You Don’t Need Ducts To Stay Cool

Monday, June 21st, 2021

It is hard to stay cool on certain days in our part of the state. High heat and humidity can seem impossible to fight back against. You need a powerful and effective air conditioner to stand a chance of keeping your home comfortable when the worst of the summer heat hits. If you don’t have ductwork though this can seem impossible.

We are glad to say this isn’t the case. If you need a good AC unit, it may be a good time to consider a ductless air conditioner for your home. We can provide the air conditioning installation in Ashland, KY for this system. Let’s discover whether or not this is the best system option for your home.

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We Can Help You Create a Smart Home

Monday, June 7th, 2021

You’ve probably heard the term “smart home” before now but maybe you aren’t sure exactly what it refers to. No, your home can’t wake up one day and start learning to talk or anything like that. Having a smart home refers to having a home that is equipped with your ideal choices of automated appliances to optimize your day-to-day life.

It might sound like something from The Jetson’s but its real. You can have devices installed into your home’s electrical systems to enjoy a better, smarter home life with better temperature control, voice-activated adjustments, and more.

Ready to start creating your dream smart home? With an electrician in Ashland, KY to make sure the job gets done right.

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Does Your Furnace Have a Cracked Heat Exchanger?

Monday, March 15th, 2021

There are a lot of intricate and important parts that make your furnace, well, furnace. We don’t want to downplay any part of this system; they all have a vital or near-vital role in heating up your home. With that said, there is one part of your furnace that does deserve a little extra attention: your heat exchanger.

When there is a problem with your heat exchanger, it can ruin your home comfort and can create other issues for your health and safety. That is why a cracked heat exchanger is well worth a call to a professional for furnace repair in Ashland, KY.

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What Are the Signs You Need a Heating System Repair?

Monday, March 1st, 2021

Having a heater that needs to be repaired is not something to ignore. The longer that the repairs are put off the higher the chance that the situation will get worse. In some cases, a repair that isn’t taken care of in a timely manner can lead to an early replacement and that is not something anyone wants to deal with earlier than needed.

When it comes down to it you want to be able to figure out when you need heating repair as soon as possible. A professional technician has the ability to help you diagnose what the issue is and solve it but you need to know when to call them first. Watch out for these warning signs of a heating system repair in Ashland so you can contact our team for help ASAP.

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