Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Electrical Service’

Explaining A Burnt Outlet

Monday, October 10th, 2022
White outlet cover with melted plastic and dark black burn marks.

You go to use an outlet that you’ve used plenty of times before but you notice a small charred mark on the edge of the outlet that wasn’t there before. Is it safe to use? That’s what we’re here to talk about.

Burn marks on an outlet don’t just appear out of nowhere. Discovering a burnt outlet could point to larger problems. Let’s go over all the causes of a burnt outlet and what it means.

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How To Tell You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade

Monday, July 19th, 2021

Imagine trying to get by without a reliable way to get electricity into your home. It would make it hard to get light in the rooms you need it in, harder still to keep things cool and comfortable. And let’s not forget how unreliable electrical flow can impact your refrigerator!

Having a problem with the electricity in your home can be a serious and stressful situation. So many parts of the modern home need electricity to function so when your home’s electrical system can’t deliver, it is a problem. One possible solution to handle this issue will be an electrical panel upgrade which is something we can help with.

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