Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Recent Home Expansion? That Explains Your Heater’s Sudden Breakdown, Here’s Why

Monday, December 18th, 2023

You’ve done it–your home finally has that shiny new extension. Whether it’s the man-cave of your dreams or an in-law suite that you only kind of wanted to build in the first place, it could be the reason that your heater suddenly broke down on you.

We’ve handled a lot of heating system repair in Ashland over the years, and it’s not uncommon for this to happen when you add living space to your home. Let’s talk about why this is happening and how to fix it.

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Is it Your Heater or Your Thermostat? Let’s Find Out

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Your thermostat controls your heater. On its own, your furnace or heat pump doesn’t detect the temperature in the room. If it did, your house would always have a weird temperature because the devices are away from the center of your home. If you look at where your thermostat is, you’ll see how it’s mostly central to the rest of your home.

That’s because it needs to detect the most common temperature in the home so it knows whether or not it needs to send a signal to the heater or not. It simply sends an on or off signal, the heater responds, then waits for further instruction. So how do you know if you need heater repair or if it’s the thermostat? Let’s help you find out.

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Address These Strange Sounds and Start the Year Off Peacefully

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

Enjoying time indoors in a nice warm home on a cold day can be a great feeling (especially when you do it with a cozy blanket and a good book or movie). However, that enjoyment can be hindered if your heater is making too much noise. Running your heating system is never going to be a completely silent activity. There is more than one noise that your system can make though that should alert you to a problem.

If you hear a problematic noise from your system, it is likely that you need to schedule a heating repair in Huntington, KY. Not sure what noises to be wary about? Read on to find out and contact us to curb them.

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5 Reasons to Schedule Heating Maintenance Today

Monday, December 6th, 2021

We are on the cusp of the winter season so it may sound strange to be talking about eating maintenance. This is a service that is usually related to the fall season before temperatures really start to drop. So why are we bringing up heating maintenance now? It’s because it still matters and I can still help.

Heating maintenance is one of those services that is going to benefit you and your system no matter what. as long as your system is still operational you can still have it be maintained. so the question is have you scheduled your main is appointment yet? If not is most certainly not too late. Let’s look at five reasons why you should schedule heating system maintenance today.

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Check Out Our Blog for Advice on All Things HVAC and Electrical

Sunday, April 19th, 2020

Be sure to bookmark the Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning blog to start learning the ins and outs of HVAC and Electrical.

We’ll regularly post energy saving tips, how-to’s on troubleshooting your systems, and breakdowns on even the most complex industry related terms and concepts.

Need help now? Send us a message or get in touch today.

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