Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Thermostats’

Is it Your Heater or Your Thermostat? Let’s Find Out

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Your thermostat controls your heater. On its own, your furnace or heat pump doesn’t detect the temperature in the room. If it did, your house would always have a weird temperature because the devices are away from the center of your home. If you look at where your thermostat is, you’ll see how it’s mostly central to the rest of your home.

That’s because it needs to detect the most common temperature in the home so it knows whether or not it needs to send a signal to the heater or not. It simply sends an on or off signal, the heater responds, then waits for further instruction. So how do you know if you need heater repair or if it’s the thermostat? Let’s help you find out.

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4 Signs It Is Time For a Thermostat Upgrade

Monday, June 6th, 2022

You can have the most well-maintained air conditioner in the world but if your thermostat isn’t up to par, your comfort is going to take a huge hit. This is why it is a good idea to keep tabs on the condition–and age–of your thermostat.

The thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system. Just like how you want to update the memory for your computer to upgrade it, you want to upgrade your thermostat to help improve your home comfort.

Not sure if you need to take the leap to upgrade your thermostat in Ashland? Here are some signs the time has come.

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The Benefit of a Smart/Wi-Fi Thermostat

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

If you have a modern, highly efficient air conditioner, you should have a thermostat to match. If you are still using a thermostat with a slider or even one that is a digital model, it is time to upgrade this system. We can help with your smart thermostat installation in Flatwoods if you need to update this vital part of your comfort system.

Not sure if you need to upgrade? Think of it this way: your thermostat is like the brain’s of your comfort operation–don’t you want it to be as accurate and efficient as possible? Hopefully, you do and you are ready to learn more about the wonderful benefits that an upgraded thermostat can bring you.

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